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Audi Environmental Foundation Scholarship 2024 | APPLY NOW

Audi is in partnership with One Young World to give grants to 15 inspirational young leaders to join this year’s One Young World Summit in the UK.

Scarce resources, environmental destruction, climate change and

population growth are just a few elements that are inducing society, politics and business.

Well, with a progressive shift in social values,

for more people, sustainability is becoming part of their lives perspective and adption.

The challenges we face are becoming more and more complex.

We can only create excellent ideas and robust alternatives to meet these difficulties effectively by collaborating with colleagues.

Are you looking forward to joining a global debate on problems such as sustainability and the climate?

Want to construct a global network and obtain understanding into how others believe?

Then you won’t want to think twice about registering for this program!

Audi Environmental Foundation Scholarship Summary

Level of Study: One Young World Summit / Non-degree

Institution(s): Audi / One Young World

Study in: London, UK

Opportunity Focus Areas: Environment, Leadership

Program Period: Five days

Deadline: 23 March, 2024 (Currently closed)

Audi Environmental Foundation Scholarship Coverage

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